A female employee being sexually harassed by a male employee.

How to Recover After Being the Victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Being subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace is a deeply traumatic experience. It can leave victims feeling isolated, vulnerable, and unsure of how to move forward. While the road to recovery is challenging, it is essential to remember that you are not alone. Below, our federal employee workplace sexual harassment lawyers at The Law Firm of John P. Mahoney, Esq., Attorneys at Law, PLLC provide guidance on how to begin the healing process and explore legal options available to you as a federal employee.

Understanding the Impact of Workplace Sexual Harassment on Victims

Sexual harassment can have profound effects on your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It's crucial to acknowledge the impact of this experience and give yourself time to process your emotions. You may experience symptoms such as:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Changes in appetite
  • Physical symptoms like headaches or stomach problems

Tips for Recovering After Being the Victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Workplace sexual harassment is a devastating experience that can leave victims feeling overwhelmed. The aftermath can be particularly challenging, as you navigate the emotional turmoil while trying to rebuild your professional life. Below are a few tips to help you begin the healing process and reclaim your sense of well-being.

Seek Support

Reaching out for support is a vital step in your recovery. Consider talking to a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. Joining a support group can also provide valuable connection and understanding.

Document the Harassment

If you haven't already, start documenting the harassment. This includes dates, times, locations, and detailed descriptions of incidents. Keep copies of emails, texts, or any other evidence. This documentation will be crucial if you decide to take legal action.

Know Your Rights

As a federal employee, you have specific rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This law prohibits employment discrimination based on sex, which includes sexual harassment. Familiarizing yourself with your rights is essential to understanding your options.

Consider Legal Action

While not always the right choice for everyone, legal action can be a powerful tool for holding perpetrators accountable and creating a safer workplace for others. A skilled federal employee sexual harassment lawyer can guide you through the legal process and help you understand your options.

Prioritize Self-Care

Rebuilding your confidence and sense of well-being takes time. Prioritize self-care activities that promote relaxation and healing. This might include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies.

Create a Safe Workplace

If you continue to work at the same place, take steps to create a safer environment for yourself. This may involve setting boundaries, avoiding the harasser, or seeking a transfer to a different department.

Remember, You Are Not Alone

Sexual harassment is never the victim's fault, and you deserve justice. By seeking support, understanding your options, and prioritizing your well-being, you can begin to heal and rebuild your life.

If you are a federal employee who has experienced sexual harassment, please contact our experienced federal employee workplace sexual harassment attorneys at The Law Firm of John P. Mahoney, Esq., Attorneys at Law, PLLC for a confidential consultation. We are committed to helping you protect your rights and seek justice.

Give us a call at (202) 350-3881 or connect with us online today to schedule a consultation.
